Friday, March 14, 2008

Start Simply and Simply Start

The thing I hear the most often from people who want to start a home food storage program is that they don't know where to start. Somewhere along the way, we've turned food storage into a mystical process that is nothing short of intimidating...Oooops. Not at all what we need to be doing. What you need to do is bookmark this site and come back every day. I'm going to give this to you in manageable bites. I'm going to do my level best to build your confidence.

I'm here to assure you that food storage is a simple thing. Like anything else, we can improve on how we do it, but the basic truth of food storage is that anyone can and should do it, and no matter what anyone tries to tell you, imperfect food storage is still food storage. Worried about how to store water? Start by washing out old milk jugs, filling them with water and sticking them aside somewhere. Yes, I know this suggestion will make die hard preparedness experts cringe, but if it comes right down to it, you've got a bit of water. Worried about where to start? How about watching for sales on canned goods and buying a case or two when you see things on sale? You can START a food storage program without any lists or fancy calculators. Anything you've bought and put aside will be a blessing to your family if you are trying to survive. Any effort you put into this will build your confidence, get you in the habit of storing and thinking about storage.

Keep in mind, we live in a litigious society. Some of this has crept into food storage. Many times manufacturers and "advice givers" tell you stuff to be on the safe side, you shouldn't ignore their warnings and advice, but you should keep in mind that they may be telling you stuff just to cover their fannies. I'll tell you what I do, you use your own judgment and decide what you want to do. Many people are absolutely militant about storage procedures, and goody for them. You'll have no trouble finding out how to do everything the "right" way. But I'm all about diving in and getting started. If all you have to store your wheat in is plastic garbage cans, wrap the paper bags up in plastic garbage bags and store your wheat in plastic garbage cans. You'll see eyes bulging from their sockets and snarky comments from some, but WHO CARES? You're one step ahead of those who have nothing and you can improve as you go. My mantra is the only "wrong" way to do food storage is to neglect doing it at all.

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